Giane Brocco is Founder and CEO of Amazu Biomimicry. Certified Biomimicry Specialist by Biomimicry 3.8 (USA), she has a Master’s degree in Production and Systems Engineering, and a degree in Production-Mechanical Engineering. She also studied Leadership for Transition at Schumacher College (London and Brazil) and Bio-Leadership and Bio-Empathy at the Amani Institute, besides other specializations in different areas.
She is a counselor in the FIERGS (CONLIDER) and FIESP (CEJ) systems. A pioneer in developing the area in the country, she was one of the first people certified as a Biomimetic Specialist in the world. He has been working for over 8 years in the field of biomimicry and innovation and is the one who coordinates and inspires Amazu Biomimicry.
I believe that the future of business lies in the symbiosis between profit and purpose and bring this to companies, business models, and leadership. More than 8 years of experience in consulting, training, and corporate education in biomimetics and innovation. The delivery is development, training, and a new vision of the (bio)transformation we need in business, society, and the planet.
I am a partner in innovation-conscious, sustainability-integral, and biomimicry. I believe that a company exists to generate value, not just to mitigate damages. Only that which improves companies, people’s lives, and contributes to the regeneration of the planet is truly innovative. Innovation-consciousness connected to biomimicry makes companies more responsible, innovative, sustainable, and collaborates directly in building the companies of the future in the present.
The Innovation-Conscious Cycle associated with Amazu’s exclusive methodology generates results of systemic positive impact. A sustainable world already exists, and we translate these successful strategies from nature to co-create innovative solutions for your company and leadership.